Gravity Stack NMT brings neural machine translation for quick, secure and effective translation

Bryon Bratcher
Managing Director
San Francisco
Jul 27 • 1 min read

Gravity Stack NMT allows you to quickly obtain translations of multilingual data, for e-discovery, litigation and transactional matters, using state of the art neural machine translation.

Cut translation costs
Provides translations at a fraction of the cost of human translation.

Faster document review
Accelerates document review processes, with Gravity Stack-designed workflows that integrate translations with Relativity’s document review tools.

Secure translations
Securely translates with encryption protocols and other confidentiality protections.

Documents can be machine-translated in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of human translation. Where human translation is still required to augment accuracy, applying machine translation first can accelerate the process, saving both time and money.

With Gravity Stack NMT you can translate a single document or large volumes of data across multiple file formats. Gravity Stack NMT is ideal for creating rough translations sufficient for assessing general content, relevance, potential privilege, and many other purposes. The most important documents can then be provided to human translators for editing, to achieve more precise translations where needed.